For your daily walk and growth in Christ

Change is brewing… ☕️😇

by | Sep 17, 2022


Change is brewing

I set up Stacia’s coffee each night for the next day, and then in the morning, smell it brewing.  begins to make me stir.  I go down and make my own coffee… you see, not only do I prefer it totally fresh, but her coffee – that I love making and stirs me each morning – is decaf.

Scripture tells us that we are the beautiful aroma of Christ raised up to Him… He’s prepared you to be His own perfect and unique, authentic expression of worship.

2 Corinthians 2:15 says, “For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing…”

God even says we walk in love as an act of worship, as the aroma of Christ Himself is pleasing to our Father…

Ephesians 5:2 says this of Christ for us and in us “…walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”  

So, What IS The Authentic Aroma of Christ as Life?

Our worship according to God is not what we do for God, our worship is allowing Him to do what He wants with us.  

Romans 12:1 “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”

So – Paul demonstrated that REAL FRAGRANT WORSHIP is our availability not music or a service we attend or even an act of service per se – it’s our availability to Him for His life in and through us – His divine life that by grace brings Him glory THROUGH US!

Friends – TODAY, real availability seems so challenging because it feels so costly – we have to give up our hope in our own outcomes, being the cause of what we desire, justifying ourselves by our own efforts, being good enough to God to gain what we want – even giving up our identity base on how well we do (or not) for how well Christ does by grace.  ..but we can’t control it.  Real worship is being available to a real God who by very real grace lives a very real life through a brand new, newly created, reborn, divine instrument of a very real new you.

And folks, we don’t have to live a decaffeinated, faux-worship kind of life. 

“You in Him Life”…
 Real worship is transformational, available, wholly-holy and divinely pure by grace.  Real life in Christ – real worship – is anything but decaffeinated Christianity.  

It’s Christ in you as His grace affords and empowers identity and participation with Him.  It’s percolating within and overflowing – a life of divine aroma – without.

It’s really what I want to encourage and equip in every conversation we have, so that our lives together – like the rich and complicated blend of fully caffeinated, soul-stirring, worth sharing aroma of Christ we are in Him together.

So I can’t wait to introduce you guys to our brand new:  “Aroma Newsletter”.

It’s the Perfect Blend – you me java and Jesus – lives wafting upward in worship, awakened souls to His indwelling life and to the praise of the glory of His grace, together. It’s all about equipping you and I for REAL, PRACTICAL Life in Christ amidst a broken world needing awakened by the aroma of Christ in you.

What now? 

  1. Stay tuned,
  2. invite a friend to join our AROMA Newsletter at,
  3. Move any email from us OUT of your spam folder, add mail@MikeQDaniel to your contacts if you don’t see articles the next couple of weeks.)
  4. Begin praying about life encouraged & equipped as the Aroma of Christ!

Because The Life of Christ is already brewing within you.  

It’s time the aroma of Christ within you awakened us all to the Divine Life of Christ expressed practically from life together.

What questions do you have or desires for this group?  Share in the comments, forward this to a friend, and sign up free at if you received this from someone else.

You ARE loved, you ARE equipped in Christ, His life IS yours by grace, and there is a new thing brewing in our life together.  See you soon…

ridiculously graced…

Aroma is coming!
Join us…

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