My sweet wife reminded me recently about a contractor coming over to our house that morning. We didn't know exactly what time, but we knew it was anytime between seven and noon! I went bounding up the stairs, threw on clothes to work outside, and then proceeded to...
What to do when the flesh gets defensive?
"…Pilate said to him, 'Do you not hear how many things they testify against you?' But He gave him no answer, not even to a single charge, so that the governor was greatly amazed." — Matthew 27:13, 14 ESV At the time of this writing, I’ve recently been attacked by...
Learning to be okay by knowing Him
It’s been a really tough couple of weeks physically for me. God is graciously giving me a lot to do with Him, but it’s hard to see the grace in how difficult He is allowing it to be. Can you relate?
Ever had prayers – conversations with God – that were tough to have?
Paul said, “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his…
In our moments of trial, we rarely see any benefit. Later in life…
In our moments of trial, we rarely see any benefit. Later in life, we often see how God has shaped us by trials and missteps along the way. Faith then, is leaning into God’s unseen plan for our good when all we see in the immediate is the struggle. Repeat after me: This is not for nothing.
God’s good in me is greater than my grief in this. His work through me is greater than my cost through this circumstance. His sufficiency for me is greater than my sacrifice in this moment.
We’ve been sharing about God’s sufficiency by grace in our tough spaces this week. You’ll see some links below if you want more encouragement.
How to Respond to Evil (after Uvalde shooting)
Evil is not winning. God is wooing. You have sufficiency in Him. This wold is not our home. He is loving people out of the faux life of quasi hope in temporal things to a true and eternal hope in the Life of Christ. Every temporal tragedy – every blow of the enemy – awakens us to the limitations of this life and reminds us of our real home and hope in Him.
Where Is the Rest for REAL?
Today will have weighty burdens. To do lists, undesirable tasks, deadlines, traffic, relational hurdles, unmet needs and desires for self and for others… to say the day has a lot of drag working against you as you move forward in your relationship with Christ is an understatement! It’ll feel like carrying an anvil, or running through a swimming pool with an open parachute behind you. I’m exhausted just thinking about it!
Posture of Patience: Questions to Check Your Soul’s Focus & Hope
Hey friends - Just a quick update, word of encouragement, and a prayer request for you… I’m really humbled and blessed to be sharing this weekend as a keynote speaker at the Network 220 convention in Atlanta along with some amazing communicators like John Lynch, Ralph...
A Three Day View of the Cross
Day 1 - Good Friday Today we recognize the determination of the love of Christ. Pilate tried to free Him, the disciples tried to dissuade Him, the religious tried to shame Him, and the Romans tried to ignore Him even while the masses had tried to crown Him. But what...