Day 1 – Good Friday
Today we recognize the determination of the love of Christ. Pilate tried to free Him, the disciples tried to dissuade Him, the religious tried to shame Him, and the Romans tried to ignore Him even while the masses had tried to crown Him. But what was Jesus doing all this time?
He pursued an eternal love relationship of intimacy and union with you. In the end, Pilate and the religious and the crowds and even, for awhile, the disciples failed.
Jesus’ Passion for you by The Cross won out. He could not be swayed from the joy of you because between your eternity together and all those obstacles of other’s agenda and even giving up glory in heaven with the Father stood a Cross, Jesus would not miss for all of creation…. For you.
Day 2 – In-between Saturday
The world went from the darkness of His death to gray. The disciples and hopeful followers of Jesus were left bewildered and in despair. How could this happen. The world seemed broken into pieces, floating through space. Lost.
You can probably relate. That’s how the world often seems today. Between the headache of striving in a world of chaos and swarthiness of politics and sensationalism of the evening news, not to mention the true heartache of our own hurts, and struggles and losses and grief – the world seems gray and lifeless. We can feel like all is lost or worthless. But we know something they couldn’t. We know that life is not in the world or even in freedom from the struggle. Life is in Christ. And for them on “in-between Saturday”, Life eternal was about to arrive…
Day 3 – Resurrection Sunday
He didn’t just die for forgiveness, He has resurrected to give you life. Let that saturate your soul today. He IS alive. He has GIVEN YOU HIS LIFE. His love persisted even unto death, through the grave, and to the resurrection WITH YOU. He redeemed you, is in union with you, and has taken you fully and forever to the very presence and perfect favor of the Father.
When Jesus said, “It is finished!” He didn’t mean just the crucifixion, but the prize of Eternal Life with you won fully by The Cross. And delivered by new birth within a new-creation you.
That, my friend, makes this weekend a very, very Good Friday; followed by an overcoming Saturday, and a glorious, full-of-grace, joy-filled, co-crucified, co-resurrected, co-ascended in Spiritual union with Jesus Resurrection Sunday. His. Yours. Forever.
That REALLY is Good News.
Happy Easter. He is risen – He is risen indeed in you.
Ridiculously graced…