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“What is true of Christ by merit is true of you by grace.”

– Mike Q. Daniel

International Speaker

International Speaker

Sharing the practical reality of Christ as life in pulpits, discipleship conference, staff, and elder training, with mission teams and small groups around the world.

Mike Q Daniel

Ministry Coach

Mike comes alongside the strategic discipleship & personal development of a few leaders each year, having coached and training with some of the largest corporations and churches in America.

Mike Q Daniel

Inspirational Teacher

Practical discipleship and equipping in relationship with Christ from a clear and consistent New Covenant perspective from the whole of Scripture.

Meet Mike Q. Daniel

After several years of leadership development & executive coaching in the corporate sector, and then serving two pastorates, Mike Q. Daniel launched a charitable organization sharing Christ as Life truth with pastors, churches, missionaries, and pretty much anyone who would listen around the world.

Today, Mike writes and speaks of Christ’s finished work and our identity in Him as a missionary of Christ as Life to mega-churches & church plants, home groups, and in the mission field. He is a frequent speaker and board member for Network 220 (formerly Association of Exchanged Life Ministries) and shares the Gospel from his home in the Texas Hill Country with his wife Stacia, daughter Ashleigh, & dog, CS Lewis (Lewie).

Mike Q Daniel

“A Gift of God”

“I have never heard anyone who is able to interpret scripture from a grace perspective better than Mike does! Often I just have to say to myself, “Wow, how did he see these truths and applications in a familiar scripture passage that I never would have seen!” He enriches the Word for me. His teachings encourage, challenge, and inspire me. Mike’s ministry truly is a gift of God!”

– Marilyn Williams in San Antonio, TX

“A Deeper Grace Journey”

“Mike is a truly God-gifted minister of Jesus and His wondrous grace! God brought us together when I was in the depths of grief over the passing of my wife. He has been there with the truth of Christ for me and has lead me into a deeper grace journey. Mike has been and continues to be a great blessing in my life in Christ!”

– Mark Holley in Dallas, TX

“Jesus Christ is the Way we walk relationally with God, to relationally know Christ as the Truth that sets us free, and ultimately know Christ AS Life experientially for ourselves. Jesus IS the Life. Everything else is just context.” 

- Mike Q. Daniel

Latest Encouraging Word

Finding Focus in Overwhelm & Overflow

We all have moments of overwhelm and of overflow. Yep - you, too. What can you do when the project or circumstance in front of you is daunting and you are overwhelming? And THEN, how can you make the most of those moments when your heart soars in overflow and...

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Where’s the Gap in Christian Creative Content?

Where’s the Gap in Christian Creative Content?

As I look at popular online resources and what’s available from Christian content providers, I find two issues: 1) The best content is practical and addressing real issues about being productive and successful, but completely devoid of a real Christian, much less New...

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Change is brewing… ☕️😇

Change is brewing… ☕️😇

  Change is brewing I set up Stacia’s coffee each night for the next day, and then in the morning, smell it brewing.  begins to make me stir.  I go down and make my own coffee… you see, not only do I prefer it totally fresh, but her coffee - that I love making...

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