Maybe you’ve never connected the day He created with the celebration He empowers. Check it out…
Psalm 148 says, “Praise Him you sun, moon and bright shining stars.”
When you take a photo of a landscape, or smell a flower, or enjoy the chorus of the stars of heaven gleaming in all their glory or embrace the overture of the sunrise and ovation of the birdsong at sunset – they are not shy – they strike a pose, cry out, beam, and proclaim with all the might and grandeur of heaven and earth.
Because they cry out ABOUT God, and they cry out TO God. They speak of His wonder and majesty, His creative force and love for humanity. They announce His power and teach us of His infinite depth, breadth, and scope beyond 10 billion lifetimes of understanding.
The earth and sun and moon and stars and all of creation hold back nothing, because their clamor is not of themselves, but of Him who deserves all the praise and glory and honor.
My friends, today God has not made you worthy to worship Him because you deserve to have your life speak of Him; He has made you worthy to worship – anointed your life by His grace to proclaim His glory – because He warrants the worship.
Join with all of creation today, recognizing His magnificence in all that you see and hear around you from Him – worshiping God with your very life. Father, like the world and heavens around us – let our lives cry out ABOUT you and TO you in all we are and all we do to the praise of the glory of your grace!
ridiculously graced…