Friends – In our moments of trial, we rarely see any benefit. Later in life, we often see how God has shaped us by trials and missteps along the way. Faith then, is leaning into God’s unseen plan for our good when all we see in the immediate is the struggle.
Repeat after me: This is not for nothing.
God’s good in me is greater than my grief in this. His work through me is greater than my cost through this circumstance. His sufficiency for me is greater than my sacrifice in this moment.
This is not for nothing. It’s NOT for nothing.
God is changing the world through you even if you do not see it yet. Even as you see the evil the enemy is causing. God never says evil is good, but He is DOING good in the midst of it. Despite of it. In you and through you and others much like you. It’s not for nothing.
Say it again in your moment of trial. Say it in the long run and the steep climb and the painful moment and the grief-stricken season. Say it through gritted teeth and on the morning when it’s hard to face the day. Say it in the car and to your kids and to your employees. God is up to what you cannot yet know, and it is better than the pain you do know. God is making this moment worth more than it costs. He’s making every moment count for His greater good for you and through you. Say it again and again: this is not for nothing.
By grace He is enough. By grace you can get through this. By grace you have and you are more than you now know. By grace this is for His glory. By grace you are coming into a deeper, better, sweeter life of intimacy through the dependence this moment brings. There is no victory without a battle, but the battle is won. He is leading you into triumph. By His grace and for His Life in and through you – His GLORY in and through you – This Is Not For Nothing.
We’ve been sharing about God’s sufficiency by grace in our tough spaces this week. Check out this week’s LIVE Episodes here if you want more encouragement. But for now…
Here’s Paul’s summary on the topic:
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” – 2 Corinthians 4:17
This is NOT for nothing, but for infinitely more than it costs us in the moment. Hang on. Trust God’s grace in the tough space. He’s here. He’s bringing you through. Love you guys.
ridiculously graced…