Contact Mike Q. Daniel Ministries
“God is not wanting you to get better at the Christian life, but to increasingly know Christ as your Life.” – MQD
I’m so glad you’re here.
It is my hope that our weekly content, be it our YouTube live streams, a conversation on Facebook, or our email updates, will bless you this year. Hope is in short supply, but our Grace Tribe is gathering together each day to encourage one another, and all our content is uniquely designed to help us focus our hearts and sharpen our faith in Christ by grace!
There are no strings attached with filling out the form at the right. We simply want to stay in touch with you via our email newsletters with more free content – sharing the good news of Christ’s grace and indwelling Life. We promise we’ll never spam you or sell your information.
We pray that by joining the Grace Tribe your life is blessed immeasurably and we are grateful for the opportunity to serve.