If you've ever found yourself thinking you need to do more or be more, if you realized that you were striving to earn God's love, then you know the agony that comes through living from the wrong source....
How loved are you?
Are you ever dumbfounded by God's favor? Ever stupefied by His ridiculous grace? There is no explaining it! There is no justification apart from His divine character. The only way to reconcile such grace – as astounding as it always is – is to realize He is richer in...
Grace Shot: How can I live for Christ?
Practically speaking, what does it actually mean to live FOR Christ? Or is that even possible? Mike confronts the challenges and the conundrums that face Christians who are living the Grace Life in...
Habits & Routines in Grace Life?
There’s a lot of popular talk about building habits and daily routines, and I’m really good with all of that, but you as a believer are already reborn in Christ, and need not worry about doing anything that isn’t compatible with who you are as one righteous,...
Grace Shot: How does Jesus woo hearts?
What can we learn from Jesus in how He "persuaded" people to follow Him? How can His perspective help us in our day to day interactions when we come across nonbelievers who may want to argue or...
Transceivers of Grace?
"Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that...
Grace Shot: Why doesn’t God alleviate my suffering?
Have you ever wondered why God doesn't just remove tough times from our lives? Why, as Christians, we're not promised an easy life as soon as we accept Christ into our hearts? As he deals with his own health challenges, Mike dives into the...
Carpe Charis: “Embrace Grace”
So you can’t make what is evil good. You can’t make the day what you want. The world is broken. So, we are supposed to make the most of every opportunity, but not by fixing the world and making the days good, but by being careful to live wisely.
Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the Life.” Good thing, too, because there is a lot of “dead” stuff needing new life. There’s a lot of crappiness from which we are to carpe diem.
How? You can’t fix the world. God is not fixing the world. The days are evil so we have to be careful…. make the most of time. How do we make the most of days that are evil in a world that is broken?
CARPE CHARIS: Seize grace.
Grace Shot: Is God “still working” on me?
Oftentimes in Christianity, we hear this idea that God is still working on us. That we are imperfect humans who still need MORE Jesus, MORE Grace, MORE relationship with God to be made wholly perfect....