As I look at popular online resources and what’s available from Christian content providers, I find two issues: 1) The best content is practical and addressing real issues about being productive and successful, but completely devoid of a real Christian, much less New...
How do we make the most of the most difficult of circumstances?
The world is crappy. There, I said it. It’s okay. We all know it. The glass-half-empty people will be happy to hear me say it (ironic that they’re happy about anything, right?). The hopelessly optimistic people (again, ironic) pretend that thinking things are better...
Learning to be okay by knowing Him
It’s been a really tough couple of weeks physically for me. God is graciously giving me a lot to do with Him, but it’s hard to see the grace in how difficult He is allowing it to be. Can you relate?
Ever had prayers – conversations with God – that were tough to have?
Paul said, “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his…
A Post-Holiday Prayer…
"No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us." — 1 John 4:12 God loves everyone you will meet today. He offers forgiveness, acceptance value, and so much more. But God expresses all these to everyone you meet as...
MikeQ&A: Is “the Spirit” interpreted differently in the Old and New Testament? Both the Old and the New Testament mention "the Spirit", but does it mean different things in different contexts? Mike answers this question from Grace Triber Alex in the most recent MikeQ&A session. Listen in to find out his answer...