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Learning to be okay by knowing Him

Learning to be okay by knowing Him

It’s been a really tough couple of weeks physically for me. God is graciously giving me a lot to do with Him, but it’s hard to see the grace in how difficult He is allowing it to be. Can you relate?

Ever had prayers – conversations with God – that were tough to have?

Paul said, “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his…

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In our moments of trial, we rarely see any benefit. Later in life…

In our moments of trial, we rarely see any benefit. Later in life, we often see how God has shaped us by trials and missteps along the way. Faith then, is leaning into God’s unseen plan for our good when all we see in the immediate is the struggle. Repeat after me: This is not for nothing.

God’s good in me is greater than my grief in this. His work through me is greater than my cost through this circumstance. His sufficiency for me is greater than my sacrifice in this moment.

We’ve been sharing about God’s sufficiency by grace in our tough spaces this week. You’ll see some links below if you want more encouragement.

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The Tender & Uncondemning Leading of God’s Spirit

Did you notice the contrast?  I’m Christ Jesus, you are uncondemnable, but instead led by the Spirit as God’s child. The Spirit of God never condemns a believer for sin, but is convincing us by His love and trustworthiness of who we are as God’s reborn new creation in Christ. He’s not making you feel worse so you will try harder, but making you feel loved, despite our stumbling, so you will trust Him more.

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Getting to Good

Getting to Good

In Philippians 4:8 Paul says “Finally, brothers, whatever is true…Think on such things.”  What does it mean to think on whatever is true? The Greek word “alethes” is “a-” (meaning “not”) plus “lanthanos” (meaning “hidden”).  So, that which is true is literally what is...

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How Can I Experience Deeper Fellowship with God?

How Can I Experience Deeper Fellowship with God?

How Can I Experience Deeper Fellowship with God? My friend, Kristine recently asked if I had any tips for experiencing a deeper communion with God. I certainly understand that desire! It gets so tricky for us at times, because like a child wanting to grow up, it’s not...

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